Sunday, May 18, 2008

Real Support Getting Started


The dictionary defines it as

1. To bear the weight of, especially from below.
2. To hold in position so as to keep from falling, sinking, or slipping.
3. To be capable of bearing; withstand.
4. To keep from weakening or failing; strengthen.
5. To provide for or maintain, by supplying with necessities.

In your real estate career, you had better find out what support means to you…and quickly! In most real estate companies, support is only a notion, not a commitment.

Here is a quote from one of our program graduates, Terry R. in Orange County, CA

“I spent a year working at another real estate office and I had no support. I would ask the agents for help on how do to an Open House, and I would get the answer “Everyone does it their own way”. I would ask the seasoned agents if I could sit in with them at their open houses and was told no. So I would hold an open house, and pass out flyers, and not set appointments with people coming through. I wouldn’t even ask for their name or phone numbers!”

When your ability to succeed is completely dependent upon the support you get from your company, you might want to make support a top priority in selecting a company.

Most companies don’t want to support you because it costs a LOT. Since they know that only a small percentage really makes it, they aren’t will to pay for real support. Then, because they don’t provide the support you need, you fail. Sounds like Catch-22 doesn’t it? It is a vicious cycle and as a result 13 out of every 14 people who get into real estate fail…before they complete their second year!

support in your real estate career looks like in-depth training, field training, skill training showing you how to get in front of real buyers and sellers quickly and make appointments with them. Then the skill to communicate with people in a way that helps them understand their own needs.

Real support looks like having a leader who is dedicated and personally involved with making sure you are doing the right things…things that will get you paid and making a living.

Real support
is a scientific system that is proven to direct your activities and drive your business for the rest of your career. A system that gets more productive the longer you use it.

When you choose one of our partner companies, you are guaranteed to get the support you really need.

Proven results (Think 60% success vs. 7% success!)

Professional managers and trainers.

Personal Marketing system

Coaching and Accountability

Classroom training

Field training

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Costly Cutting Corners

Many years ago Doug, the founder of Quantum Management, inspired a team of us to climb Mount McKinley with him. It was an experience to remember forever. We were among the least prepared to make the climb of all the people who did that year. We were in average to above average fitness and had way less than average skill levels compared to the other off we went anyway.

Eleven people died climbing McKinley that year. I'm not sure what percentage that is, but it is a lot higher than going for a hike in the woods. For eleven people, cutting corners was literally fatal. I don't know about all of them, but I do remember a Korean team and an Austrian team were among them. Both of these teams were well equipped to succeed, yet they failed in the worst way possible.

The Koreans made a summit attempt in very bad weather and did not make it. The Austrians brought their stove into the tent during a blizzard and the air vent closed up, asphyxiating them.

Other events were near misses, only terrifying, but not fatal. One of our team became fatigued and disoriented on the summit climb. Our lead guide told him to sit beside the trail and he would be picked up on the way back down. My cramp-on (teeth on the bottom of your boots to grip the hard snow) came off because of a faulty strap and I began a slide down the thousand foot slope.

Every one of these events were the result of shaving a corner, taking an "easier" path. And in each case there was a really good reason to do it. The Korean team was running out of time, fuel and food; the Austrians couldn't keep their stove lit in the blizzard; our lead guide wanted all of his guides to reach the summit; my outfitter took one look at me (older, red fingernails, red lipstick and a new snow suit) and knew I was never going to make it to the headwall. I and my team member were fortunate, our cut corners were not fatal.


Truth is you will not die from cutting corners in your real estate career. However, your CAREER might die. When you make decisions to do the easy thing instead of the really productive thing, you are making a decision to fail at real estate. Problem is, the easy thing makes your career that much harder. Every time.

The easy thing makes it take longer to get productive. Time is not on your side. Every day takes you closer to running out of time, money and the support of your family.

The really productive things often seem harder:
  • Calling on by-owner sellers
  • Calling on expired listings
  • Asking for an appointment every time you meet a new prospect
  • Calling your leads on a regular basis
  • Staying in relationship with the people you have met on a very regular basis
  • Demanding that your buyer prospects get qualified with your lender
...the list is long...

It has been said...Real estate is the lowest paid easy work...and the highest paid hard work.

-Sherry Pitcock
Senior Consultant, QMS